We made a pledge on myVeganuari.com on 31st December 2020 to be a vegan on certain days in January 2021. Here are what we have found.


We have been a vegetarian for more than 10 years. Recently my wife started to have early symptom of lactose intolerant. So we decided to try to be a vegan for a short period of time and see how far we can cope.

Getting ready

Becoming a vegan from a vegetarian is comparatively easier. What we have to do is to remove all dairy products and eggs from our daily meals. But we need a push, we need a target. So, the first thing we did was to make a pledge on myVeganuari.com to be a vegan, 3 days a week, for the whole January of 2021. Then, we started to explore some vegan products that we can get from the market nearby.

The process

Today is 11th January 2021. One-third of the period has passed. So far, we have no issue on the past 10 days. Except for once we realised that we cannot consume any food with honey inside too. So we have to remember, no milk, no cheese, no egg, no honey…

Vegan products

We have found some interesting vegan products which are good replacements to the original food. Below are some of them:

VioLife (https://violifefoods.com/)

VioLife has a good list of cheese-replacement products. In our personal opinion, their products really look like cheese, taste like cheese, feel like cheese, but they are not cheese. When you put them in the oven, they melt like cheese.

OmniPork (https://omnipork.co/)

This is a rather new brand in the market, which is good replacement to meat. From mince as their first launched product, recently they also launched OmniPork Luncheon and OmniPork Strip. Not only they products are suitable for vegans, they products are also Buddhist-friendly.

Farmerly (https://www.farmerly.com.my/)

There are already many plant-based milk in the market. However, we found out that we can practise latte art at home with their oat milk. No special coffee machine is required, only a milk-frother we got from Ikea. Isn’t it cool?

Oreo (https://www.oreo.com/)

We believe almost everybody, if not all, have tried Oreo before. But only some people know that actually Oreo is suitable for vegans. There is no dairy product in Oreo.

Some final words

We are glad that we joined myVeganuari new year’s resolution to start the year of 2021. Definitely we will do it again. Or eventually we will be vegans.

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