xsingle-page-application-vs-multipage-application.jpg.pagespeed.ic_.z8t172co_b(photo from http://www.intelegain.com).

There have been a lot of discussions on this topic. Below are some notes for my own reference.


  • Speed: SPA requires higher initial loading time, but after that, the loading time will be faster. In MPA, each page requires reloading of non-data parts even though these parts stay the same for all pages.
  • Separation of front-end and back-end: In SPA, front-end and back-end are separated by default. Most (if not all) MPAs do not have clear separation of front-end and back-end. Therefore, it is easier to extend an SPA to a mobile application.
  • SEO: It is easier for MPA to be optimized for search engines.
  • JavaScript: SPA mainly relies on JavaScript. Browsers must enable JavaScript in order for it to work.
  • Development time: SPA requires higher technical skills, therefore it may take longer development time. In addition, most IDEs do not support SPA. Therefore, developers have to rely on browser’s debugging tools.

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