

Extracted from: Extreme Makeover Code Edition


Offload Some Problems to 3rd Party Services

Django has recommended some solutions for login. There’s also some functions you can use to configure and send emails from your web server. You can follow some tutorials on how to setup Facebook login.

I didn’t do any of that.

I let Parse handle user authentication and management. I also let them handle Facebook login. This made my whole sign up / login / change password page that I hate building a breeze to set up.

Payment gateways suck, and managing security for payments also sucks. Stripe takes care of all of that. It took less than an hour to setup recurring payments and the user interface to create and cancel a subscription.

Email is also not very fun to set up. I’m using Mailgun, and they make it incredibly easy.

I used to SSH into a web server and set up a django application manually. Now I just use Heroku and Git, and I can just mirror my local development environment.

I’m not very good at UI. I downloaded a responsive UI template that was already good to go.

I wanted some snazzy buttons and stuff. Bootstrap has everything you need.

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