
This is how I try to practice GTD, the entry level way.

Below is the workflow recommended by GTD.Untitled-2

From the workflow diagram, we can see that we need tools to capture and keep track of our actions. I have selected calendar app and another to-do list app (either Errands or TickTick). Below is my plan:

For those actions which are either (1) repeating, (2) with invitees, or (3) at specific time, I keep them in calendar app. Reason being

  • Repeating actions: It is easy to spot them, easy to change their time all together, etc.
  • With invitees: many calendar apps come with invitation features, but less for to-do list app
  • At specific time: Isn’t this the primary feature of calendar apps? In addition, if you share your calendar with other people, they will know what time you are occupied.

For other actions, I keep them in to-do list app. I create a few categories. Three of them are “Projects”, “Waiting for”, and “Someday/Maybe”, which are shown in the workflow diagram. The rest are created for “Next Action” based on context. For example, “Office”, “Home”, and “Errands”. “Projects” category consists of items which needs multiple actions to achieve the expected outcome. “Someday/Maybe” category consists of items which I may be interested in future, but not now. “Waiting” category consists of items which depends on other people. They may be delegated tasks. The rest of the actions are categorised according to their contexts.

Everyday, I will refer to the calendar first, confirming the tasks to be done at specific time of the day. Then I will go through the to-do list, aiming for tasks scheduled on the day. If I have extra/free time, I will go through the tasks under the current context.


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