If you are jealous of someone, think these:

  • Other people have big houses: You can use the money to travel, make the world your house. Then you literally have the largest house in the world.
  • Other people have big cars: Do you really need a luxury car? Remember the formula: (number of travels you can have) = (what a big car will cost you) / (cost for each travel)
  • Other people can stay abroad: You never know, the place you live maybe already best for your money.
  • Other people are more successful: Read “How to win friends and influence people“. It is one of Warren Buffett’s favorite books. You can be one of them too.
  • Other people are rich: “Being financially rich and having the ability to live like a millionaire are fundamentally two very different things.” — The 4-Hour Workweek.
  • Other people own things that I envy: “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” — Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Be a satisficer, not a maximizer: Read “The Paradox of Choice“.

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