
Learning something new is not easy. This is my new year resolution — learn Japanese language. Below are the phases I have gone through to learn the language.

Phase 1: Memorize the Hiragana (平仮名)

I think memorizing the Hiragana is the most boring part. Yet it is the most critical part. Most importantly, we have to get the pronunciation right. In this phase, I found some websites which include pronunciation of each Japanese characters by Japanese teachers. Then I started practicing. At the same time, I also learnt some simple vocabularies.

Finally I could memorize all the characters in the Hiragana table. Then, I did not continue to memorize the Katakana (片仮名). Instead, I proceeded to phase 2.

Phase 2: Practice simple sentences

In this phase, I purchased a book with lots of examples. I tried to analyze the patterns of Japanese sentences. For example, “I”, “we”, and “you” are usually omitted in the sentence when they are clear. Say if someone asks you if you like sushi, normally you will say “I like”, but Japanese with just say “like”. “I” is omitted. It is also confusing to see how to reject an offer or request in Japanese. Things started to mess up. Then, I realized that a major part of my study was missing – grammar. I therefore paused phase 2 and proceeded to phase 3.

Phase 3: Learn grammar

I found some websites online which explain the Japanese grammar. After this phase, the book I purchased for phase 2 started to make more sense. It became easier to memorize those simple sentences.

A good summary of Japanese grammar is as below:


Phase 4.1: Watch Japanese drama

It is useless if you have learnt a new language, but could not practice it. So here comes the fun part. I practice Japanese daily by watching Japanese drama. Most Japanese dramas are short (around 10 episodes). Some of them are meaningful / fun to watch. Enjoy! Of course, I watched them with subtitles. At the same time, I also referred back to my little book purchased for phase 2 regularly.

Phase 4.2: Practice with mobile app

When I have a short free time like 30mins, I will practice with mobile app. I found Duolingo to be quite useful.

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